
Monday, February 20, 2017

Frailty of Life

Life is so precious...
    never take it for granted...
          please...I'm pleading with you...

   Why does it take a tragedy for us to remember how fragile life is?  It is in those moments that we tell ourselves that we are small, insignificant, and unimportant in the grand scheme of things...but that is so far from the truth.

   The past month and a half have been very difficult for my family.  My grandmother, Meme, was admitted to the hospital on January 8th.  She was in the ICU for 35 days, before passing peacefully from this world into the waiting arms of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Though not in the way we hoped, the Lord still answered our prayers...instead of giving the gift of momentary healing, he gave the gift of eternal healing.  She now worships at the feet of the Savior, experiencing a joy and happiness that I can barely even begin to imagine!