I had a really exciting day Tuesday. To get things started, it was my 18th birthday(that by itself was exciting), the next thing was that I got to vote. I turned 18 and voted for the very first time, all in the same day!!!! I've been waiting to exercise that right for the last few years. The only disappointing thing was that only 10% of Kentuckians decided to join me. Too many people take this privilege for granted, if we aren't careful we'll lose it, just like so many other countries. Enough with the politics. =)
The third awesome thing, was that another kid was added to the Bolin Family.........
.................a goat "kid" that is.
Meet Buttercup
Buttercup is a Pygmy goat. At 2 months of age she stands about 18in. from the top of her shoulders. Her coat is a mix of dark and light gray, with a small amount of brown mixed in. Over all she's adorable!
All in all, I had a tremendous birthday. My family was a big part of making it so awesome.
That reminds me, I haven't introduced the beautiful family that God has given me. Let's start at the beginning, with my Dad(Scott) and Mom(Devonne). They'll be celebrating their 19th anniversary this July. I have been blessed to have them as my parents. I've been homschooled from Kindergarten through 12th grade. You can be sure that there were times when they didn't want to put up with my schooling anymore( over me and my attitude), but they stuck with it because they knew that this is what God wanted. After that comes me and my 10 siblings. Yep, you read that right, there are 11 of us kids! I am the oldest at 18, then it goes LilSis~16, LilBro~15, LilBro~14, LilBro~12, LilSis~11, LilSis~9, LilSis~7, LilSis~4, LilSis~3, and LilSis~11mon.
That's enough for tonight. I'm going to try and post at least every three days. So keep an eye out for new posts.
For some time I have wanted to start a blog, but wasn't sure what to name it and truthfully just had not taken the time to get one started. Until last night! With my Momma's help I settled on "Simple Patchwork Prose", because my life is a patchwork made up of many pieces(God, Family, Church, 4H, Hobbies, etc.) and when I write about a "piece", I'll use prose to describe how its part of the patchwork.
Before, when I heard the word "prose", I always thought that it was a type of poetry. I decided to look it up last night. The following is the definition of prose from the "1828 American Dictionary of the English Language" by Noah Webster: "Prose, n. 1. The natural language of man; language loose and unconfined to poetical measure, as opposed to verse and metrical compisition." I couldn't think of a better way to write, when describing the day-to-day happenings and passions of life.